
The BEST Catholic Mother’s Day Gifts of 2021

Looking for the best Catholic Mother’s Day gifts? We’ve made a list of our top Mother’s Day gift picks every Catholic mom will love! Jump Ahead Links: Jewelry Home Decor Rosaries Mugs Masks Funny Gifts Jewelry First up is this STUNNING Our Lady of…

How to Raise Resilient Catholic Kids

If you google ‘how to raise resilient kids’ you get a lot of advice: let your kids struggle, teach them about their emotions, allow for natural consequences. The list goes on, but for me it all feels a little superficial. There has to be more to it. Let…

Welcome to our new blog!

Hello! *insert involuntary double-hand wave* I am Mommy Penguin, aka Stephanie, and I’m crazy excited to welcome you to our new blog! We are Marine Engineers turned homeschoolers. My husband, Allen, was a chief engineer and port engineer in the Coast Guard, and I was a chief…